Super Night Shot

If you happen to be wandering near the Walker some evening this month, do not be alarmed if you’re accosted by a young European wielding a video camera. This is merely part of the “War on Anonymity” waged by the Gob Squad, a performance art troupe whose members hail from the U.K. and Germany. One hour before each 9 p.m. performance, troupe members will take to the mean streets of Lowry Hill, where they will allow serendipity to take over as they incorporate unsuspecting passersby into their impromptu cinematic creation. Then they will hustle back to the Walker to treat their audience to Super Night Shot, a one-hour, four-screen showing of their uncut footage. We’ll be intrigued to see what kinds of material they can generate by provoking us supposedly modest Minnesotans. Walker Art Center, 612-375-7600.






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