Chocolate Mornings

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I love December 01. It’s the first day of a month of days that begin with a little chocolate treat from my advent calendar. I am much more disciplined now than I was in the early years. I understand that it’s better to stretch the happiness out over the cold days, rather than trying to “work ahead”. And if I happen to forget, run out of the house in a whirl, then the next day is twice as nice.

This weekend I’m going to the Midtown Global Market for some culinary stocking stuffers. I’d like to stuff a Manny’s Torta in each stocking, but they’re a bit drippy, yeah? I really love to sneak in some funky Asian candy from United Noodle that no one understands, and then watch their face as they chew jammy fish nougats.

BONUS…this Saturday the MGM is hosting the No Coast Craft-O-Rama sale: cool, funky objects from crafty producers with names like Crabby Sister Company, Pins with Fury, orangyporangy and Phantom Limb. I have two particular teens in whom I have begun to culitvate a healthy dislike for The Mall and all AE clones within. A few snappy screenprinted tees and rock-buttons should satisfy … along with chewy jammy fish nougats.






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