Dirty Little Secret #62: I am obsessed with the hunt for the Winter Carnival medallion.
Yeah, I know.
My family doesn’t even really understand the extent. Sure, they’ve seen me on the computer noodling out the clues, looking through maps and aerial shots of Ramsey County parks, I can’t hide that. But I’ve been sneaky in other areas; they have no idea that while they toil at work/school, I’ve been out, digging.
They’ll forgive me if I find the puck, if I come home with some shiny loot and cash, right? Not that I need to be forgiven, I am not alone in this.
But it’s an historic year and exciting year, so why not come clean? The Infamous Jake found the original 07 med in record time, and a second hunt is already underway. Whether you love/hate the Cooler Crew, give away your clues on the discussion boards or only in person in the park, have been hunting since you were born or just joining the fray, we all have one thing in common: baby, it’s cold outside and we’re just a little nuttier for it.
So, my fellow seekers, I’ll be at Central tonight (shunning the Como, too obvious) packing my thermos three:
Kid Friendly Cocoa
Swiss Miss with a hit of fresh cream mixed in.
The Velvet Vulcan
Schokinag Extreme Dark cocoa, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, cumin, and Amaretto.
The Medallionator (in homage)
Schokinag Milk Chocolate, espresso shots, vanilla vodka, Bailey’s Irish Cream.
Come find me if you need a bump.
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