Where are my Girl Scout Cookies?
My mom’s cookies have been delivered. I saw the Springy green box of Thin Mints on her table yesterday. And yet, my little scout has yet to show up.
I saw a woman in the orthodontist parking lot horking down a sleeve of Do-Si-Do’s, the peanut-butter sandwich cookies. I was jealous, I can admit that.
From the minute the doorbell rings and the little scout and I enter into a cookie contract, I wait. I’m a patient woman, but if I don’t hear from her soon, I may start stalking her. There are shortbreads out there with my name on them, dammit!
Would they be this special if you could get them year-round? I don’t know if I want to answer that.
And they’re not just for snarfing anymore, either. Look what this culinary student from Woodbury did with the peanut-butter sandwiches and the Caramel deLites. That’s patience.
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