Just some things to chew on …
Yesterday I caught a slip of the Today show in which Matt and two lady doctors sat and chatted about which “healthy” foods might or might not be reeeealy evil in disguise. They singled out some fish (swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, shark) to avoid because of high mercury. When asked if eating it in moderation was ok, the she-doc advised avoiding it all-together (that way people won’t eat it as often).
The issue: Why must we be treated like idiots? Do we need to be preached an extreme point of view just so that we are scared into listening, some of the time? And she was so comfortable with that ethos that she didn’t even try to hide it. It’s a bit of an overstatement anyway, yeah? How many times per week do you eat swordfish? How many times a month have you eaten shark? When was the last time you cooked king mackerel on your own? If you’re speaking to the general audience of the Today show, it’s a good bet that telling them to eat in moderation will fit the bill. No one’s going to get mercury poisoning from their occaisional fish taco.
The restaurant industry is the second largest employer in the nation, behind only the government. That means that at one point or another in our lives, most of us have been members of the food/bev/hospitality world. How was it for you? Was it a spectacular spectacular job or did you get faux kicked in pre-shift like at Mr. Chow in NYC? Check out the Bruni blog on which the comments are deliciously whiny.
Hershey’s has sagely grabbed on to the gourmet chocolate trend. First they bought Scharffen Berger and now they’ve launched allchocolate. It’s a smart and sexy adult site with good information that’s free of simpy puns and cliches about women and chocolate. I hate those.
I rarely leave any wine in the bottle, but sometimes I do. While out of town, I wasn’t going to bring my bottle back to my hotel, but the server put it in a wine doggy bag which sealed it up quite nicely. Great idea.
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