Summer 'Sicle


I wouldn’t call it a theme as much as an obsession. Somehow, every year we end up with a pattern that defines the season. Two years ago it was the Summer of Lemonade, and then Summer of Homemade Ice Cream even an odd Summer of the Turkey Melt after we got the panini press.

This year’s preoccupation seems to lead to the Summer of the Popsicle.

I’m not just talking about freezing orange juice in an ice cube tray (although that’s a great way to make a pop-kebab-sicle). I’m talking about whipping together some fun stuff and making guinea pigs out of everyone who comes over.

The minty-watermelon’sicle was a hit and I’m already thinking of trying a Horchata’sicle and a sangria’sicle for this weekend. I’m not beyond the ice cream dalliance yet, so I might have to work in some creamy chocolate-cayenne’sicles or a vanilla-basil’sicle here and there.


1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup water
4 cups watermelon (seeded and chopped into 1/2inch cubes)
1/4 cup freshly chopped mint
1 lime

Make a simple syrup by heating the water and sugar in a small sauce pan until the sugar has dissolved. Romove from heat and cool.

In a blender, add half of watermelon and juice from half of lime. Blend unitl smooth, then add syrup, rest of melon, mint and juice from the other half of lime. Puree.

Pour mix into popsicles molds, paper cups, whatever you want to use. Wait until the mix is a bit frozen and slushy before adding sticks. Freeze until hard, could take up to 6 hours.






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