In thrust you will trust

I was asked to contribute to this blog due to a fear that cars are losing their manliness.

Before you go all Angela Dworkin on me here let me make it clear that women can be manly. In fact, I know many women who are far more manly than men, the late Ms. Dworkin included. The most manly woman in history may well be CoCo Channel who said that in life there is work and then there is “passion” and no other time.

Therefore when people talk about manly cars they are really talking about automobiles that are passionately engineered. They are cars that remain slightly irresponsible. They are describing cars that if properly anthromophosized would eschew “Mommy Politics” and probably vote for the late Harry Browne.

The manly car is governed excusively by the laws of locomotion. Not convention (unless to defy it). And never by an opinion greater than than one.

If you have ridden in a Countach, for example, you cannot even see the car in back of you (where other cars will remain). If you have ridden shotgun in a “real street” Chevelle on a drag strip, you will see nothing, except, perhaps, God.

Best of all, with hybrid technology you can now drive a hybrid as fast as a petrol-powered vehicle with far more fuel efficiency. Lexus is ahead of the curve on this one with their 430 HT. While the car lacks a visceral punch, it shows what can be done. Fortunately Carrol Shelby, creator of the most manly car in history (that would be the 427 Cobra), is working on a similar type of car.

Which all leads me to say that people can lose their fears about the manly car being led to extinction. Just keep reading The Road Rake, have faith, and remember that in thurst you must trust.






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