
I have a confession to make. I incessantly channel surf while driving; often to the detriment of other drivers.

I also have this sign in my window because the giant SUV that I inherited when my companies merged is always black and shinny and designed to make other drivers feel inadequate.

Things did not used to be this way. In fact, about a decade ago, before the dawn of polarized politics (so they say) on the airwaves I’d pretty much leave my radio at one channel. Today its nothing but a steady stream of derision and sensationalism from one end of the dial to the next.

But I am not here to carp about radio.

I would instead like to rehabilitate a small nutritional item that does not deserve the vilifaction it receives on radio (right wing in particular). I am talking about granola.

Recently a heard a right-of-the-dial radio announcer comment that she would get back to her listeners after removing “a piece of granola from her throat.”

Surgically, I am not sure what she meant. Sarcastically however this represented yet another attempt at demeaning a certain cereal substance that is nothing but good for you.

(let me get back to this…I am choking on a small piece of bloodless bacon prepared by the Hersuit Monks of Mendota…seriously…bought it at the organic farmers market yester…)






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