(pics to go here: when I fix them.)
Automachina, Museo, che piu bellezza?
A wise man pointed something out to me the other day. People talk about cars, particularly when they are their own.
Much like we cannot choose our children (if we choose to have them) sometimes certain cars choose us. I truly feel the Maserati is still calling me and yet it will not be mine. Someone else’s name is on this car and he believe he goes by the name of Myron Kunin.
Mr. Kunin, you see, can understand this car. He owns one of the more significant private collections of modern art in the county. In this capacity Mr. Kunin is the company of another Minneapolis area mogul Ralph Burnett. Mr Burnett also owns an a substantial and signifcant collection of modern art (particularly Damien Hirst) on display at Chambers Hotel (still a secret somewhat, why?).
Now, Mr. K and Mr. B may not share the same opinons on anything. Because they are both avid modern art collectors, they have likely competed fiercely with the likes of Dolly Fitterman here locally over a certain piece. Who knows?
They both understand art however, and that is what the Maserati is. It moves the soul as well as the person. It was mine for a day and I could not stop talking about it. I even talked to people who seemed different than me. Like the pint-sized Edina mom with her blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail lost in a living room called “Escalade.”
That is why if Myron pulled into Ralph’s hotel in the blue Maserati both would be speechless. The car is undeinably gorgeous. It exists somewhere beyond the petty squabbles of busines, politics and art. And, incidentially, it looks fabulous in front of a museum (as you soon see when I upload the pictures.)
This is the kind of car that can create peace between moguls.
So buy it, Mr. Kunin.
Or Dolly gets the car.
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