In a memorable quote to City Pages’ Paul Demko, Star Tribune editor Nancy Barnes tried to explain the rationale behind mobilizing troops toward the suburbs, Bloomington in particular.
Demko wrote: “Editor Barnes concedes that ‘it’s been a difficult week,’ but says her mission remains the same: more online, more in-depth coverage like the paper’s 3M investigation, and more feet on the ground in communities outside Minneapolis. ‘Bloomington is the fifth-largest city in the state…we don’t cover Bloomington,’ Barnes says. ‘People who live outside of Minneapolis have to see coverage of their communities.’
On the face of it it’s hard to disagree. There are something like 85,000 people in Bloomington. There’s got to be a story or two worth telling. And obviously if you’re going to stand your diminished newsroom on its head conscripting reporters from all manner of other beats to send them to the leafy ‘burbs, the assumption is that you’re going to do it right and really provide constant, thorough coverage of … Minnesota’s fifth biggest city.
The one mistake you’re for sure not going to make is just talking the talk without walking the walk. I mean, since this is critical, we know there is going to be a battalion of reporters combing the streets and courts and offices of The Fifth Biggest City, showing those punk-ass Sun papers (and their small business advertisers) how the game is played in the big leagues.
Cut to: A short phone conversation with Star Tribune reporter, Mary Jane Smetanka, best known for the last 11 years she’s spent covering higher education.
Me: Mary Jane, Brian Lambert over at The Rake. I’ve been following the goings on over at your place.
Smetanka: I know.
Me: Yeah, and you know how it goes, one thing leads to another. I just want check something out.
Smetanka: OK.
Me: Is it true that you are the new Bloomington reporter?
Smtanka: Yes, it is.
Me: Is it also true that you are the new Edina reporter?
Smetanka: Yes, it is.
Me: Is it true that you are also the “Aging” reporter?
Smetanka: Yes, it is.
Me: And are you the only reporter so far assigned to Bloomington and Edina?
Smetanka: Yes, I am.
As with all these Strib items, I have sent Strib editors Nancy Barnes and Scott Gillespie e-mails asking for their response to the question of the moment.
Here is my e-mail on this one:
“Nancy, Scott:
“Today … I’m told that one reporter has been assigned to cover Bloomington, Edina and Aging. Is that accurate? Will more reporters be added soon, as in the next couple months? If not, doesn’t strike you as ironic considering your stated mission to better cover the larger suburbs?
“Also, will there be any change in CJ’s job description? Is the cast of columnists set? Will Coleman, Kersten and CJ continue doing what they have been doing?”
As always, if either Barnes or Gillespie chooses to respond, I’ll attach their comments here.
But until then we are left with the irony of one reporter — admittedly a veteran — assigned to not one, not two, but THREE beats of some significance. Smetanka is a 23-year Strib pro and will no doubt produce quality copy. But, come on, if you’re serious about people outside Minneapolis, (even a block outside Minneapolis), seeing coverage of their communities, are we really supposed to believe that one reporter can provide anything close to thorough coverage of two large first-ring suburbs with a combined population of 135,000 AND cover “Aging”, too?
In the interests of community journalism, I hereby promise to toss Smetanka every scoop I come across while prowling the dark, dangerous and scandal-ridden streets of Edina. Why just yesterday, while sipping a latte and reading the new film schedule in the window of the Edina Theater, I saw a vandal in a late model Saab enter the city from Minneapolis at speeds in excess of the posted limit and flick a cigarette on the pavement.
That’s gotta be worth 10″ of copy. The Edina cops may have security cam video.
Oh … that CJ stuff? I’m not sure. I’ve left a couple calls for the Twin Cities’ gossip maven, but oddly, our girl seems to be dodging me.
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