Even from the coast of SW Florida I get the feeling of KG overkill in Twin Cities media. Nothing like a blockbuster sports deal in the dog days.
I count myself among the “fans” who pretty much ignored the Timberwolves start to finish last season. I don’t recall (TM … Albert Gonzales, Dick Cheney) listening to one turn-over of a Woofies game on radio and caught only fractions of TV games. Boredom. Ennui. Fatigue. Indifference. It’s all kind of the same thing. Even with Garnett the team wasn’t doing anything but taking a steady drift downward, and worse, they we’re taking that downward drift with what seemed to a part-time fan like me to be minimum intensity.
I did, however, read a lot of Steve Aschburner’s stuff as the Strib’s pro basketball guy. Tight, punchy, well-sourced. Aschburner’s copy was better than any Woofies offense.
As some of you may know Aschburner accepted a Strib buy-out offer while on a Woofes roadtrip in early March, then quickly pulled it back, only to have Strib management insist on “honoring” his original request.
Aschburner, who was President of the Pro Basketball Writers Association when the Strib made sure he left the paper, has a piece on the Garnett deal up on sportsillustrated.cnn.co. . And this morning, another on AOL Sports.
Says Aschburner of KG: “He was the pearl among swine, so goes the popular perception, a silk purse among sows’ ears (and other butcher cuts)… .”
That’s about right.
Keep it coming, Steve.
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