The good folks at the Twin Cities Media Alliance — best known for their work producing Twin Cities Daily Planet — (click here for schedule and registration info) are staging a day-long event this Saturday at the Central Library
in downtown Minneapolis. Major next generation publishers and
journalists will be in attendance. While some of us may look like
critters out of a previous generation, if you’re interested in what is
going down in journalism and what is coming next in terms of on-line
newspapers — like and The Daily Mole, both mentioned here numerous times — you’ll find this worth your time. Or, you can always just heckle.
Robert McChesney,
U of Illinois professor and author of the excellent book, Rich Media,
Poor Democracy, will deliver the keynote speech at around 10:50 AM.
(The event runs from 9AM to 3 PM, and is free but you must register if you want a box lunch.)
Immediately prior to McChesney’s talk, a panel titled "The Future of
News: What Role for Journalists?" will include local heavyweights Joel
Kramer, (former Strib editor and publisher, now heading up MinnPost), Steve Perry (former City Pages editor, leading The Daily Mole, Eric Black, (former Strib writer now publishing at,
Matt Thompson, the Strib’s deputy editor for interactive content, and,
for comic effect, yours truly. The panel will be moderated by veteran
writer/poet Rich Broderick, who blogs at The Daily Planet
RYBAK: Didn’t you just tell me to re-apply lipstick after puckering
up to a subject in another post. Back at you, Hot Lips…..
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