A Toast to Tesla
No, not the hair band
from the late ’80s, although I do happen to know a few people who would
probably be into that. Tonight’s event at the Bakken is dedicated to
one of America’s greatest electrical engineers, Nikola Tesla,
inventor of the radio. Sample complimentary appetizers and wines from
Artisian Vineyards while strolling the Bakken’s beautiful outdoor
gardens, take in a live performance of an old-timey radio show, and
watch man-made lightning demonstrations with the Tesla coil. The Bakken
will be hosting these "Electrifying Fun for Grownups"
events monthly through the summer. So instead of sticking a fork in a
light socket like you usually do every second Tuesday of the month,
head to the Bakken for a safe and "shockingly" good time.
5pm-8pm, The Bakken Museum, 3537 Zenith Ave. S, Minneapolis, $7
The Schubert Fest
Get some lunchtime culture this week with the Schubert Club’s yearly St. Paul Summer Song Fest,
a concert series that runs daily through the end of the week with free,
noon-time performances featuring classical musicians. This year’s
festival focuses on the work of influential English composer Vaughan Williams,
who created epic symphonies, chamber music, opera, and film scores.
Today’s performance features sweet soprano Maria Jette alongside Young
Nam Kim on violin. A perfect noon reprieve from the
Downtown office-worker blues, if you ask me.
Noon (daily through Friday), Landmark Center, Room 317, 75 W. 5th Street, Downtown St.Paul, Free
Provocative UK performance troupe Stomp invades the Ordway for a week-long run.
Expect wild percussion, unusual props and instruments, and unbelievable
movement from this eight-piece ensemble. For years, the group has impressed
the world with their originality and presence, taking creativity in
performance to a whole new level with innovative dance
techniques and sound and rhythm created with non-traditional
items such as matchboxes, garbage cans, and hubcaps. Runs through the
8pm, The Ordway, 345 Washington Street, St. Paul, $20-$50
Raking through Books with Greta Gaard
to discuss literature with writers and each other in a super-casual
setting. This month, meet Greta Gaard, author of Ecological Politics: Ecofeminists and the Greens and The Nature of Home: Taking Root in a Place, and editor of Ecofeminism: Women, Animals, Nature.
A well-published environmental literature critic, she currently teaches
at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls, and serves on the Board of
Directors for the Environmental Association for Great Lakes Education.
5:30-7pm, Kieran’s Irish Pub, 330 2nd Ave. S, Downtown Minneapolis, Free
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