Author: Ann Bauer
Worship David Beckham for 200 Bucks
I’ve been puzzling all morning over the logistics of this thing, but I think I’ve finally got it figured out. Seems David Beckham is coming to town with his soccer team, the Los Angeles Galaxy to play OUR soccer team, the Minnesota Thunder (what is it with soccer, by the way, aren’t team names are…
Food and Sex. . . Hungry?
There’s nothing new about the link between great food and sultry sex. It’s been around since the era of the ancient Romans, then flagged during repressive periods such as the Dark Ages and the 1950’s, but went through a glorious renaissance right around the time I was born. Gael Greene, an outrageous and perversely reed-thin…
Diabulimia: Delicious but Deadly
Imagine you have a medical condition that causes you to lose weight. And miraculously, the more you eat, the more you lose. Pastry for breakfast, pasta with clam sauce for lunch, a five-course dinner with crusty bread and any dessert you like, plus snacks in between — the sweeter the better. Follow this diet and…
Butch Cassidy Jumps into the Vat
Back in October, I wrote about a downright decent jug wine from Three Thieves, which I bought more for the John Wayne-ness of the design and the silver screwcap than the substance inside. Today, it was announced that Newman’s Own, the food company-cum-charity owned by Paul Newman and his wife, Joanne Woodward, is adding wine…
Drinking on Borrowed Time
For his fifth birthday, in February of 1993, my older son received a watch from his grandparents. It was a black Timex with a rectangular face, digital read-out, and several complicated buttons for setting the date, time, and alarm. Waterproof, shatterproof. He wore it everywhere, including the bathtub and bed. Andrew was a child with…
Gothic Wine
I’m midway through a novel called We Need to Talk About Kevin, which is both the most riveting and the most grotesque book I’ve read in years. Published in 2003 by a New York writer (female) named Lionel Shriver, the manuscript was rejected by reams of American publishers for being too dark — about a…