Author: Brad Zellar
A Bedtime Preyer
At the annual Upper Midwest Foodservice and Lodging Show, which convened at the Minneapolis Convention Center a few weeks back, a fellow who was willing to do the legwork could have really gorged himself on meat. It seemed like somebody was handing out samples (“The Black Angus of Pork,” boasted the sign in one booth)…
Marathon Man
Beyond a long window that offered a panoramic view of the Minneapolis skyline, the end-of-the-workday exodus was already under way. Traffic was snarled on the streets stretching all the way downtown. Dave St. Peter had his back to the window, and he was looking and sounding like a man whose day was just getting started.…
Get Out Your Erasers, Class
Carlos Silva’s performance against Pittsburgh today (3.1 IP, 11 hits, nine earned runs) should make Ron Gardenhire’s decision a whole lot easier. The Twins love Silva, and he’s a first-rate clubhouse character, but given the way he’s pitched this spring, and the way he pitched in what was clearly a make-or-break game for him this…
You Know
Easy world, you gave it once– please quietly welcome it back, that hand. –William Stafford, from “Going On” …what is it we are all doing, what is it we are about, pray tell? And why are we gathered here? –Raymond Carver, “All My Relations” What the hell do we want? What is our heart’s desire?…
Crunch Time
Although it goes against the organization’s general philosophy, it sure seems like Alexi Casilla, the kid the Twins nabbed from the Angels in exchange for J.C. Romero, deserves a spot on the roster when the team breaks camp at the end of the month. As much as Terry Ryan and company might want Casilla to…
I Was Going To Say
All men should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why. —James Thurber We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk…