Author: Chris Birt

  • Stinking fast Stingray Upon Us

    I’ve always had a thing for the Corvette Stingray. While the basic style of the car has never been improved on since the mid-60s (see image above) it appears the fastest Corvette of all time is upon us. Based on the Corvette Z06, the "Blue Devil" Corvette will add a supercharger to its 7-liter V8…

  • Rendezvous

    I am experimenting here with this post but I assume you can click on this link and watch one of the most famous underground car films ever made. In case you are wondering, the French at the beginning of the video says, "the film you are about to see was made without any trickery or…

  • Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon

    You think you know, but you have no idea. This is the true story of when Mercedes-Benz stopped making toys and started getting real with the GL 550. A bit dramatic, maybe- but MB’s top of the line SUV is no joke. They were looking to tap into the market that is dominated by Range…

  • Edina Mom or Ferrari Momma?

    So, like, I use YouTube to post video in this blog. Because of this I must alert my readers (literate gearheads all) that controversy appears to be developing on YouTube over one of my videos. As shameless viewers and readers of my content that makes you all complicit (and potentially famous.) The above video is…

  • Bangle Butts, Benzes and Bonding

    Been gone for awhile attending to biz. That being said, I have a few immediate automotive observations to share. 1) The New Accord shows Japan at its shameless best, again. I coulda’ swore I saw a BMW pull up beside me the other day, but NO, its a direct Bangle-butted four door rice burner called…

  • The good, the fast and the very, very ugly.

    The first generation Mantis. An ugly car from the decade of disco (ugly.) The far better and faster (but still ugly) Mosler is pictured below While spending over $200,000 for a car is a little steep, this Mosler is about the fastest vehicle on the planet–according to a recent Motor Trend article. It is also…