Author: Chris Birt

  • Phoanie drove a Jag, not a Rolls

    Now that the saturnine Dixie Chicks have been given their rightful due I think we should pause to remember that 40 years ago a single singer could do the job of three. I am talking about the infinitely more talented Joan Baez. Joan Baez remains more talented as an artist and perhaps more confused as…

  • Waffability

    As the weather turns wicked, my automotive thoughts turn to something other than the utilitarian SUV. Or even, for that matter, the overweighted blinged out luxurious SUVs of today. My thoughts turn instead to luxury–pure luxury as it was once defined. Of course what makes a luxury car truly luxurious is harder to answer in…

  • Cachet for less cash (but hurry)

    Not everyone can collect cars like Jay Leno. In fact, car collecting usually turns out to be a dark comedy for most virgins. Not if you read this blog, however. A few months back I encouraged all of you to purchase a Mercedes Benz 280 SL. last made in 1971. I recently spotted prices going…

  • Snobbery

    I recently suffered through a wine and cheese party at Lutsen. I met two investment bankers (I have nothing against investment bankers) who had just turned 40. Our conversation immediately focused on lines and distinctions. The talk centered upon Denver, where one of the bankers had grown up. I mentioned where I have my office…

  • Steal Grandma

    Used car dealers have always had a richer lexicon than they are generally given credit for. While terms such as “cream puff” and “stand up vehicle” remain vaguely incredulous, I don’t know of another industry in the world that has done more for the image of geriatrics. Any used car dealer in the United States…

  • Road tunes. How to avoid the rage.

    I ocassionaly excerpt work from my bulletin board of blogs called If you are traveling over the holiday, allow “The Road Rake” to offer his comments on how to end arguments between “family DJs” during long drives. Because most people lack the time, talent or inclination to actually master a musical instrument, their “music”…