Author: Rich Goldsmith


    As the debate at the capitol starts to sound eerily Tyra-inspired, it’s important to note that, according to The Defenestrator’s highly-knowledgeable sources, had House and Senate leadership handled Pawlenty’s veto of the Central Corridor differently, many of the problems the DFL caucus has with Tim Pawlenty’s demands likely would have been non-issues. As things stand,…

  • A Sesquicentennial in the Spring of Our Discontent

    Older generations often talk wistfully of times past – an era when candy was a nickel and hookers cost but sixpence. And with Minnesota’s sesquicentennial occurring this year, the temptation to romanticize is pushed even farther, with tales of subzero temperatures, white out conditions, and devouring small children to survive winter’s lean times bandied about…

  • A+B=WTF

    On Wednesday, April 30, 2008, Sen. John McCain jumped the shark. Now, I’ve got a lot of respect for the man. He’s always been something of a straight shooter. And when a man spends time in a POW camp and can’t raise his arms above his shoulders as a result, I’m inclined to cut the…

  • When Timmy Met Margie

    Today’s launch of the new Republican "issue ad" blaming DFLers for Minnesotans being asked to sacrifice manhood and innocence alike whilst pumping merrily away at the gas station is just the latest chapter in a textbook Nora Ephron romance. You see, it always starts with the title characters loathing one another. And you’d be hard…

  • Ashwin Madia – the Man, the Myth, the One Democrat Who Won’t Call Michelle Bachmann Bat-Shit Crazy

    If the ongoing national embarrassment that is the Democratic primary hasn’t yet caused you to gouge out your eyes with a rusty spork, you may have noticed that the local political campaign season is in full swing. And because this year’s campaigns are already shaping up to be nearly as contentious as the debate over…

  • Minnesota's Own Nero

    Oil is hovering around $115 a barrel, the lowest price of gas in the Twin Cities is $3.18, foreclosures are still a-rising, and yet, in her latest column, the Star Tribune’s Katherine Kersten believes all we need to weather the storm of inflation, diminished access to credit, and skyrocketing healthcare costs is a shit-eating grin…