Author: Stephanie March

  • Market by Night

    Just a quick reminder that the Mill City Farmers Market is open tonight from 4pm to 8pm for the first of its new summer Thursdays gig. Sounds like a good place to spend happy hour. Word is, there are some kick-ass mini-donuts skulking around…. ps…last night’s Top Chef wasn’t worth yapping about, but tune in…

  • Music to Bite By

    AOL Radio is featuring some tasty tunes on their Blogger Radio station. That’s thanks to Josh Friedland of The Food Section who pulled together 100 of his favorite food-related songs. It’s a very cool buffet, something for everyone (a little Snoop, a dash of Dizzy Gillespie, some Carole King, a pinch of Fat Boys). They’re…

  • New Pizza!

    I am PSYCHED about these guys landing in the Western Metro. I know they’ve been shopping spots in the Twin Cities for a while, but it looks like Minnetonka (Hwy 7/Shady Oak by Lunds) is the first lucky recipient of a HomeMade Pizza Co. You could just poo-poo it as another take-and-bake concept, but you…

  • Tasty Bits

    something lovely from celeste? First off, did you see this piece on kids’ menus? I’ve been noticing the ‘chicken finger pandemic’ myself for a while now, but thankfully there are places that try to feed kids, not just pacify them. Craftsman, with their finger-free kids’ menu of fresh but friendly food, comes directly to mind.…

  • King Fish

    Gaelic mythology tells of a hero known for his amazing perception. As a young lad, he was ordered by his master to cook a magical salmon which would impart all the world’s knowledge to its eater. During preparation, the young hero burned his finger on the fish. Quickly putting the sore finger in his mouth,…

  • Fast and Fabulous

    Our story begins with a hungry young lass on her way to lunch at a new restaurant. She’s dragged along her lunch date to see what all the fuss is about, but upon entering the establishment, she feels a certain unease. The place is packed, and she is assured by a less-than-sweet hostess that the…