Author: Stephanie March
Maybe it’s because they’re just too McSkinny in Japan. Maybe it’s because they have a history of readily accepting improbable, huge monsters. Maybe it’s because they love restaurants with a toilet theme. Whatever it is, Japan is getting the Mega Mac. If that freaks you, wait until you find out what the hell Grimace actually…
Three Dozen
Today is my birthday. Looking back, the past year held various cooking victories: the ice cream follies of the summer (basil/lemon, chocolate/zinfandel, strawberry/balsamic, Guiness, sake/cucumber sorbet)…a few good looking loaves of ciabatta, and one really ugly but tasty boule … the perfect Stephanie pizza (pesto, prosciutto, arugula, and egg cracked on top) … a five…
Green is God
I never expected to find love at a roadside market. In Florida, no less. But there, down an aisle from stacks of bright oranges and piles of juicy grapefruit, was a small, plastic tub of guacamole so smooth and delicious, so perfectly spiced, that I fell head over heels. It’s uncommon to find guacamole that…
Puck Fuel
Dirty Little Secret #62: I am obsessed with the hunt for the Winter Carnival medallion. Yeah, I know. My family doesn’t even really understand the extent. Sure, they’ve seen me on the computer noodling out the clues, looking through maps and aerial shots of Ramsey County parks, I can’t hide that. But I’ve been sneaky…
Another in the Wind
So … now Auriga has announced that it will close this weekend after ten years. I really like the food at Auriga. I think it’s fresh, exciting and I think they believe in the perfect bite. One of my favorite meals was during a late night stop-in during a snow storm. We ordered some stuff,…
Cold Dish
So by now you know that Five has closed its doors permanently. So has Levain. Two foodie institutions gone, but why? Some people might take this opportunity to wax rhapsodic on the state of the scene, and apply huge, sweeping generalizations about what society is up to, just so that they can be The Expert,…