Author: Stephanie March
My Gingerbread Essence
When the A & J Gem Café of Uptown closed, I was despondent. During the hazy days of postcollegiate life, comfort food had a different meaning. What comforted me was anything but mom’s meatloaf and mashed potatoes, which haunted my youth. After college, what comforted me was food that was something I could call my…
Philly Cheesesteak
It’s a beautiful thing that, in this country, everyone can have an opinon. Want to see freedom of speech exercised? Just ask a few people in Philly who has the best cheesesteak. As far as the media is concerned, it comes down to Pat’s or Geno’s. As far as the construction workers, the students, the…
Feelin' Philly
Dateline: Philadelphia I’m here in the City of Brotherly Love for a few days and I have to say this is clearly a food town. Maybe not a food town like San Fran or New York where it’s almost a tourist trade, but more like a food town full of serious eaters. I’m not going…
Care Packages
think outside of the fruit basket… I have not been a great friend of late. A couple of The Girls could use a little propping up, a little snarky laughter over lunch, maybe a day of beauty laced with The Macallan 12. But I don’t have time and we can’t seem to synch our schedules,…
a plate from the Titanic? So…. I just hooked up with an old friend who happens to be engaged to a guy named Matt who happens to own the kick-ass Bulldog restaurant/bar in Uptown. They are scrub-scrub-scrubbing the place formerly known as Boom/Oddfellows in Nordeast to make room for the next Bulldog. This might irk…
What's that?
I think the gang at Lund’s has the right idea with their Food-E program. Having knowledgable food people in the store, existing only to answer questions and help customers is a great idea. But. I never see them when I need them. Or they’re in the front of the store and I don’t have anything…