Author: Stephanie March

  • Market Frenzy

    Like many food tourists, I’m driven to seek out local markets—public, farmers, indoor, outdoor—everywhere I travel. Invariably, I end up wandering the aisles awash with both wonder and jealousy. In Vancouver, the booths and stands crowded into the Granville Island Public Market nearly bring me to tears with their spectacular selection of fresh fish and…

  • How's it growing?

    I’ve been to the Mill City Farmers Market over the last two weekends. I’m very happy with the blue sheep’s cheese from Shepherd’s Way Farms and the great-for-ice-cream milk from Cedar Summit Farms. I was going to give it one more weekend and blog about my planned yak’s meat purchase, but now there’s Gertrude. I…

  • I Scream

    One of my kids looked over the ice cream machine, as it was loudly cranking away, and hesitantly asked what flavor I was making. The answer didn’t please him and his reply was, “You never make normal ice cream anymore.” I have become a mad alchemist in search of the perfect formula. Chefs all over…

  • F is for Fhima

    Louis XIII in Southdale is dead. Closed. The sign reads: Unfortunately, Louis XIII as a concept has failed and we’re forced to close our doors. We hope to open soon under a new concept. Huh. The “concept” has failed. We’re “forced” to close our doors. It’s really not our fault, we’re actually brilliant, it’s you…

  • It Takes a Rat

    What if I take my kids to see Cars and they turn into NASCAR fans? I don’t want them to set up lawn chairs and coolers in front of the TV and start shouting “Don’t bogart the Cheese Whiz!” I was afraid after Babe that we’d have to forego the piggies’ gift of bacon, but…

  • Food Fests

    Gather, ye friends! And look upon the pronto pups of our youth. Oh yea, it is the time of the fest. June 15 Viola Gopher Count Viola, MN. Besides the “famous grilled cheese hamburger” I’m betting there’s a lot of beer at this one. June 17 SPAM Museum Jam 2006 Austin, MN. How can you…