Why We Fight (Every Day Of The Week)

I came up with a rule, of sorts, that I would refrain from talking about cars on Sunday. But heh, I am also a modernist (at times) and modernists don’t follow every rule (even their own).

Modernism (and schmodernism) aside, here’s another way of looking at it. What’s a man to do when he spots a Maserati GranSport in the parking lot of a shopping mall? Well then you just have to break your own rules and bring it to your readers.

I trust you will agree.*

FILM NOTES: One of only two Maserati GT Gransports in Minneapolis (I keep calling it a Ferrari).

Fifteen minutes later, I came across this equally cool ride — a WS-6 Firebird candied up to 405 RWHP. The owner was a Ranger recently returned from Afghanistan. Here is the car:

And in this short take, the owner of the Pontiac describes how Porsche drivers are easily emasculated. He also touches on the difference between (this link is a little generous) flywheel and rear wheel horsepower–important to note when you hear a Porsche owner start waxing about his/her wheels. I also answer to one of my own friends on this score at the end of this take–he keeps bugging me to sell one of my cars–a slightly candied up 2003 Mustang Cobra.

(* Not that it matters, but I also went a house of worship today. I notice that Garrison K.– fountain of morals — likes to tell us that he goes to church, old-testament-style, too. Good for you, red shoe.)






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