You're Gonna Have To Serve Somebody

Tonight I have a cold.

While this may be true, it is equally true that far too many blogs begin with precisely such banalities. Fortunately, while I do have a cold, I also spent half the evening talking to people who subscribe, yes subscribe, to The Rake.

So while I still have a cold (just coughed all over my Cinema Monitor here, my mucus forming like glittering stars over the screen), these good people warmed my heart.

And why?

Because they could talk about stuff that was uncommon.

The only time the conversation got a little off track was when one woman asked me why she had not been able to locate the Maserati at Sears that I blogged about last month. She also asked me if I worked for the dealership. While I can’t answer for the cars tonight, I can speak quite clearly, cold and all, about whose service I am in. I told her, with pride, that I am in the service of no one but the King.

I am not sure what I meant, but it sounded uncommonly cool.






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