Editor Julie Caniglia The Nintendo stock
Senior Editor Brad Zellar Monkey mind
Assistant Editor Christy DeSmith Snoring (not my own)
Online Editor Cristina Córdova My empire
Art Director Evangeline Johnson Restless leg syndrome
Production Manager Amy L. Filipiak The bedbug
Assistant Art Director Kristin Harper Night owl tendencies
Ann Bauer The 17-year-old who isn’t home
Jeremy Iggers My prostate
Colleen Kruse Amphetamines
Brian Lambert Dick Cheney
Stephanie March Beans
Oliver Nicholson Strong drink
Britt Robson West Coast hoops
Peter Schilling, Jr. Screeners, too many screeners
Copy Editor Katherine Lewis Procrastination
Proofreader Judy Arginteanu Computer solitaire, calling my name
Danielle Cabot Koolaid the bunny-hobbit
Danielle Kurtzleben Unequal distribution of wealth
Publisher Tom Bartel Diet Dr. Pepper
Associate Publisher Kristin Henning Lucifer
Controller Cindi Barthel Full Moon
Circulation Manager Joe Kvam The dog
Kela Caldwell Event planning
A.J. Kiefer Britney losing custody
Elton Langland So much sex
Valerie Rigsbee Olga and the heeled midget who live upstairs
Sales Coordinator Mary Olson Being spread too thin
Online Coordinator Jennifer Havrish Imaginary sheep
Systems Admin/Network Guru Kristopher Wilson MMORPGs
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